"The ideal system performs a required function without actually existing."
An Employee or a Business Owner: Would always strive towards Ideality; which is to attain to the highest point of business efficiency that can be derived from the establishment.
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Ideality will enable one to thoroughly understand their businesses and in realising new streams of revenue from the existing structure. A scrutiny by I – TRIZ has uncovered value unrealised by people working there for long durations. The factors unearthed included unlocking hidden revenue streams and exhibited areas where there were unseen/unknown losses.
“Ideality” in TRIZ terms, occurs when a useful function is attained without any harmful effect (such as high cost or waste). Even though this may be difficult to achieve, striving for “Ideality” positions the business for higher levels success and sustainability. To even reach the near Ideality zone provides value beyond expectation.
By approaching problems from a view point of Ideality and system thinking we reduce Psychological Inertia and therefore have a much greater opportunity to find a more ideal solution.